

Improve your performance management strategy

Conduct better reviews, increase feedback, and simplify review cycle management with ClearCompany’s employee-first approach and automation.

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Develop and grow your people with a top performance management system

Implement an employee-first approach to performance management recommended by HR expert and analyst, Josh Bersin, and SHRM. Our platform, best practices, and review templates shift the focus of formal reviews from evaluation and ranking to employee growth and potential. Save time and set the stage for productive performance conversations with ClearCompany employee performance software.

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Simplify review cycle management to save time

Easily customize review cycle workflows, questions, formats, scales, and participant communications to support the unique roles in your company, or expedite review creation by starting with one of ClearCompany’s pre-built templates. Take advantage of all our digital cycle administration tools to launch and manage review cycles, track cycle progress, increase employee participation, and save HR time.

See how it works

Take the guesswork out of performance management

We partnered with performance management experts to rethink performance review best practices and reimagine the experience for HR, people managers, and employees. Use our best practices, review templates, and automation to launch more effective review cycles quickly and gain confidence in your process. We offer best practices and templates for every standard review format including:

  • Annual Reviews
  • Semi-Annual Reviews
  • Quarterly Progress Check-Ins
  • 360 Reviews
  • New Hire Reviews
  • Goals and Role-Based Reviews
Explore our platform

Create a positive experience for employees and managers

Provide employees and their supervisors with a seamless, user-friendly performance review experience. The ClearCompany performance management system enables employees to complete reviews on their mobile devices and in their language of choice. Review participants can also revisit updates and progress on goals, employee recognition received from colleagues, and saved personal private notes right in our performance suite to improve and inform performance evaluations and discussions.

Learn about Employee Engagement

Drive engagement and focus with goal planning tools

Increase employee and manager alignment on key priorities, goals, and success metrics. Show employees how their goals and contributions support company success. Our goal-planning tools create continuous feedback loops and opportunities for informal coaching and problem-solving. Improve employee and manager collaboration, feedback, and trust with performance management tools that encourages frequent communication and touchpoints on progress toward goals.

See Goal Planning in action

Understand employee performance with robust analytics

Easily analyze performance data by review cycle, average scores, manager, role, department or employee. ClearCompany performance management software identifies top performers and tracks performance trends with robust pre-built reports and interactive drill-down capabilities.

Our complete suite of pre-built reports includes:

  • Cycle Progress
  • Employee Goal Use & Progress
  • Goal Alignment
  • Employee Score Trends
  • Manager Scoring
  • 360-Degree Reviews Cycle Progress
  • 9-Box Reporting
Learn about our Reporting and Analytics

Experience ClearCompany’s award-winning Performance Management system

Our clients consistently provide high rankings and stellar reviews of their experiences with ClearCompany’s Performance Management software.

See our Press and Awards

G2 Crowd Top 50 HR Products 2024

Customers endorse our Performance Management suite

Metasys Technologies logo

The performance management tool is being used to assess actual performance against goals (quantitative criteria), in addition to qualitative criteria. My global team adopted the system well and gave feedback that they like the ability to receive feedback to understand what they are doing well and what to focus on for growth, and they like having a forum to give their own comments and input to their leadership.

Wendy Kembel, Vice President, Talent Acquisition & Delivery

Metasys Technologies

ClearCompany provided us with a lot of really good tools and templates to get us set up, and have really been helpful in our implementation and maintenance of recruiting, onboarding, and performance. We’re doing things we never could have done before, because we have ClearCompany.

Nicole McBride, Talent Manager

Kinetic Construction

Chick-fil-A logo

ClearCompany is so easy. With the press of a button I can set up performance reviews four times a year. Every quarter my employees are going to get real feedback with numbers and then we can reward them easily based off of their performance review.

Kasey Castle, Chief People Officer

Chick-fil-A Palm Beach Lakes

Performance Management Software FAQ

What kind of personalized performance review cycles can I set with ClearCompany?

Since every organization has unique needs, this should also be reflected in their performance review cycle. Creating a personalized performance review cycle is important to ensure your organization is receiving the feedback you need in the timeframe you want.

Performance review cycles can be conducted using a cadence you choose, such as quarterly, bi-annual, or annual review cycles. In addition, you can include specific review types to better evaluate each employee, including new hire reviews, competency- and role-based reviews, and peer and 360 reviews. With a performance review system like ClearCompany, you can manage review cycles, create custom reviews or choose from expert-created review templates, and spot performance trends across employees, managers, and departments.

Why is a performance management system important?

Performance management is necessary to ensure the success of a business and the growth of its employees. It is much more than promotions and praise. When done correctly, performance management is about creating a culture of engaged, curious employees who are empowered to do their best work. Performance management software can assist in creating a modern process for your company by effectively managing, tracking, and analyzing performance.

How does performance management software work?

Performance management software automates and centralizes the many processes involved in managing employee performance. These systems include features such as goal setting, performance reviews, feedback and recognition tools, and analytics to track progress and identify areas for improvement. They enable your HR team to easily launch performance reviews, automate review cycles, gather feedback, recognize great work, and address performance issues.

Performance management software helps simplify processes, ensure fairness and consistent communication, and drive data-informed decision-making.

What is the difference between employee reviews and performance management?

Employee reviews are just one component of your performance management strategy. While employee reviews focus on evaluating individual employee performance over a specific period, performance management refers to your comprehensive approach to managing and improving employee performance.

Performance management involves setting SMART goals, providing continuous feedback and coaching, identifying professional development opportunities, and aligning employee performance with organizational goals and strategies. It also includes recognizing employee contributions and monitoring overall performance to identify trends and prevent small problems from becoming bigger issues.

How can I recognize employees’ accomplishments and milestones?

Celebratory messages recognizing an employee’s accomplishments are an important part of fostering a culture of employee recognition and appreciation. Organizations with employee recognition programs also see 31% less turnover than those without. Social sharing performance management tools encourage peers to amplify each other’s accomplishments, including ClearCompany Shout Outs, which allows coworkers to instantly send praise to individuals or teams.

What is the purpose of a performance management system?

A performance management system helps companies better understand their employees’ performance and productivity. It allows leadership to easily track, analyze, and evaluate their employees, ensuring goals are met and issues are addressed promptly.

The performance management data you gather with your system can then be used to inform compensation, career trajectory, company goals, hiring decisions, performance reviews, and just about anything related to human capital management.

How can you choose the best performance management software for your business?

There’s a lot to consider when you’re shopping for performance management software. The best system for your business depends on your strategies and goals for performance management, but there are a few features we can all agree are important to look for in your system:

  • User-friendly interface
  • Customizable and templated performance reviews
  • Review cycle automation
  • Automated completion reminders and notifications
  • Reliable, accessible customer support
  • Cloud-based with myriad integration options
  • Can be tailored to your talent management needs with additional modules

Need help finding your perfect performance management solution? Get ClearCompany’s Performance Management System Buyer’s Guide to help you make the right choice.

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Applicant Tracking System

Increase recruiter efficiency and reduce time-to-hire with the most complete ATS feature set.

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Employee Engagement

Enable Talent Maximization with a high-touch employee listening strategy.

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Analytics & Reporting

Turn your HR data into a competitive advantage with meaningful insights.

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Adopt an employee-first approach to performance management today

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