JobTarget offers recruiting services such as automated job posting distribution and paid job sponsorships. ClearCompany partners with JobTarget to offer our clients one-off sponsorships for job postings or to utilize JobTarget Enterprise, which enables ClearCompany customers to access the entire JobTarget platform experience through our integration.
Request InfoPost jobs directly, without managing separate accounts for each job board. Once JobTarget is integrated within your ClearCompany platform, you can deliver job postings to various job boards, and easily purchase sponsored job boards and special JobTarget packages. Plus, enjoy discounted offerings on select sites as a result of our partnership. JobTarget makes it simple to track your spending, quickly make changes, understand trends, and organize your job postings.
Get access to thousands of job boards, and intelligent algorithms that help you post to the right sites, to get the right candidates.
Optimized placements help reduce cost-per-applicant and allow you to run your ongoing recruitment efforts more efficiently.
Maximize your diversity recruiting success and minimize risk with JobTarget's DiversityPost advertising solution.